Process and thread management

These syscalls are related to the system’s process manager.

getpid(): number

Returns the process ID (PID) of the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The process’s ID.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getppid(): number

Returns the PID of the parent process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The parent process’s ID.


This syscall does not throw errors.

clock(): number

Returns the total amount of time used by the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The amount of time used by the current process, in milliseconds.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getenv(): table

Returns the environment variable table for the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The environment variable table of the process.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getfenv(): table

Returns the environment table for the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The environment table of the process.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getname(): string

Returns the name of the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The name of the process.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getcwd(): string

Returns the current working directory of the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The current directory of the process.


This syscall does not throw errors.

chdir(dir: string): boolean, string?

Changes the current working directory.


  1. dir: The directory to change to, which may be relative to the current directory or absolute.

Return Values

true if the command succeeded, or false + an error message if it did not.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getuser(): string, string?

Returns the user for the current process.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The user of the current process, plus the previous user if the current user was set using the setuser bit.


This syscall does not throw errors.

setuser(user: string)

Sets the user for the current process. This requires root permissions.


  1. user: The new user to switch to

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The current process is not root.

fork(func: function, name: string?, args...: any): number

Creates a new process that calls the specified function.


  1. func: The function to call. This is the entrypoint of the new process.
  2. name: The name of the new process. Defaults to the name of the current process.
  3. args...: Any arguments to pass to the function on first run.

Return Values

The PID of the newly created process.


This syscall does not throw errors.

exec(path: string, args...: any): never

Replaces the current process with the specified Lua script, keeping all process info intact.


  1. path: The path to the file to run.
  2. args...: Any arguments to pass to the program.

Return Values

This syscall does not return.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The file could not be opened.
  • The file contains a recursive shebang entry.
  • An error occurred while loading the file.

newthread(func: function, args...: any): number

Creates a new thread that calls the specified function. A thread uses the same environment table as other threads in the process, while different processes have different environments.


  1. func: The function to call. This is the entrypoint of the new thread.
  2. args...: Any arguments to pass to the function on first run.

Return Values

The ID of the newly created thread.


This syscall does not throw errors.

exit(code: number?): never

Exits the current process with the specified exit code.


  1. code: The exit code for the process. Defaults to 0.

Return Values

This syscall does not return.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getplist(): table

Returns a list of all currently active process IDs.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

A sorted list of all process IDs that are currently running.


This syscall does not throw errors.

getpinfo(pid: number): table | nil, string

Returns a table with information about a process.


  1. pid: The ID of the process to query.

Return Values

A table with the following fields:

  • id: The ID of the process
  • name: The name of the process
  • user: The user of the process
  • parent: The ID of the parent process, if available
  • dir: The working directory of the process
  • stdin: The ID of the TTY the standard input is attached to, if available
  • stdout: The ID of the TTY the standard output is attached to, if available
  • stderr: The ID of the TTY the standard error is attached to, if available
  • cputime: The total time spent by the process, in seconds
  • systime: The total time spent by syscalls triggered by the process, in seconds
  • threads: A sparse list of thread information with the following fields:
    • id: The ID of the thread
    • name: The name of the thread
    • status: The status of the thread

If the information could not be read, the syscall will return nil + an error message.


This syscall does not throw errors.

nice(level: number[, pid: number])

Sets the niceness level of the specified process, or the current one if left unspecified. Nice values cause the process to run longer with a lower number (requires root), or shorter with a higher number. Values range from -20 to 20.


  1. level: The niceness level to set
  2. pid: The ID of the process to modify (defaults to the current one)

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may error if:

  • The process ID does not exist.
  • The user does not have permission to modify the selected process.
  • The user tries to set a negative niceness level and is not root.

atexit(fn: function)

Calls a function when the process exits. This function is run in a new temporary thread, and is run outside of the scheduler - no other processes or threads will run until this function ends. Due to this, the function is time-limited, and inter-process communication will not be possible, so only use this for last-minute tasks inside the process.


  1. fn: The function to run

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall does not throw any errors.