
The process module allows querying various properties about the current process, as well as creating, modifying, and searching other processes.

getpid(): number

Returns the process ID of the current process.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The process ID of the current process

getppid(): number

Returns the process ID of the parent process, if available.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The process ID of the parent process, if available

getuser(): string

Returns the username the process is running under.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The username the process is running under

setuser(user: string)

Sets the user of the current process. This can only be run by root.


  1. user: The user to switch to

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

clock(): number

Returns the amount of time this process has executed. This may not be entirely accurate due to a lack of precision in the system clock.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The amount of time this process has executed

getenv(): table

Returns the environment variable table for the current process.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The environment variable table for the current process

getfenv(): table

Returns the environment table for the current process.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The environment table for the current process

getname(): string

Returns the name of the current process.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The name of the current process

getcwd(): string

Returns the working directory of the current process.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The working directory of the current process

chdir(dir: string)

Sets the working directory of the current process.


  1. dir: The new working directory, which must be absolute and existent.

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

fork(func: function, name: string, ...: any): number

Creates a new process running the specified function with arguments.


  1. func: The function to run in the new process. This will be the main function of the first thread, and will have its environment set to the new process’s environment.
  2. name: ? The name of the new process.
  3. ...: Any arguments to pass to the function.

Return Values

The PID of the new process.

forkbg(func: function, name: string, ...: any): number

Creates a new process running the specified function with arguments. This process will be placed in the background, meaning it has no stdin/out.


  1. func: The function to run in the new process. This will be the main function of the first thread, and will have its environment set to the new process’s environment.
  2. name: ? The name of the new process.
  3. ...: Any arguments to pass to the function.

Return Values

The PID of the new process.

exec(path: string, ...: any)

Replaces the current process with the contents of the specified file. This function does not return - it can only throw an error.


  1. path: The path to the file to execute.
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the file.

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

execp(command: string, ...: any)

Replaces the current process with the contents of the specified file or command, searching the PATH environment variable if necessary. This function does not return - it can only throw an error.


  1. command: The command or file to execute.
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the file.

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

start(path: string, ...: any): number

Starts a new process from the specified path.


  1. path: The path to the file to execute.
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the file.

Return Values

The PID of the new process.

startbg(path: string, ...: any): number

Starts a new process from the specified path. This process will be placed in the background, meaning it has no stdin/out.


  1. path: The path to the file to execute.
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the file.

Return Values

The PID of the new process.

run(path: string, ...: any): true, any / false, string

Runs a program from the specified path in a new process, waiting until it completes.


  1. path: The command or file to execute
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the file

Return Values

This function may return the following values:

  1. When the process succeeded
  2. The return value from the process


  1. When the process errored
  2. The error message from the process

newthread(func: function, ...: any): number

Creates a new thread running the specified function with arguments. Threads in the same process share the same environment, event queue, and other properties.


  1. func: The function to start
  2. ...: Any arguments to pass to the function

Return Values

The ID of the new thread

exit(code: number)

Ends the current process immediately, stopping all threads and sending the specified return value to the parent. This function does not return.


  1. code: ? The value to return.

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

atexit(fn: function)

Runs a function when the program exists. This function will never get any events, and is time-limited to 100 syscalls due to running in a different context than normal threads - avoid passing long-running functions. Functions added here cannot be removed later, so if the function may not be needed after being added, use a variable check to disable it instead.


  1. fn: The function to call at exit

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

getplist(): table

Returns a list of all valid PIDs.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

A list of all valid PIDs

getpinfo(pid: number): {id=number,name=string,user=string,parent?=number,dir=string,stdin?=number,stdout?=number,stderr?=number,cputime=number,systime=number,threads={[number]={id=number,name=string,status=string}}}|nil

Returns a table with various information about the specified process.


  1. pid: The process ID to query.

Return Values

The process information, or nil if the process doesn’t exist.

nice(level: number, pid: number?)

Sets the niceness level of the specified process, or the current one if left unspecified. Nice values cause the process to run longer with a lower number (requires root), or shorter with a higher number. Values range from -20 to 20.


  1. level: The nice level to set to
  2. pid: The process ID to modify (must be root or same user) (optional)

Return Values

This function does not return anything.