
The filesystem module implements common operations for working with the filesystem, including wrappers for syscalls.

open(path: string, mode: string): FileHandle / nil, string

Opens a file for reading or writing.


  1. path: The path to the file to open
  2. mode: The mode to open the file in: [rwa]b?

Return Values

This function may return the following values:

  1. The file handle, which has the same functions as CraftOS file handles


  1. If the file could not be opened
  2. An error message describing why the file couldn’t be opened

list(path: string): table

Returns a list of files in a directory.


  1. path: The path to query

Return Values

A list of files and folders in the directory

Returns a table with various information about a file or directory.


  1. path: The path to query
  2. nolink: Whether to not resolve links to the file (defaults to false)

Return Values

A table with information about the path

remove(path: string)

Deletes a file or directory at a path, removing any subentries if present.


  1. path: The path to remove

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

rename(from: string, to: string)

Moves a file or directory on the same filesystem.


  1. from: The original file to move
  2. to: The new path for the file

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

mkdir(path: string)

Creates a directory, making any parent paths that don’t exist.


  1. path: The directory to create

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

link(path: string, location: string)

Creates a (symbolic) link to a file.


  1. path: The path of the new link
  2. location: The location to point the link to

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

mkfifo(path: string)

Creates a FIFO.


  1. path: The FIFO to create

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

chmod(path: string, user: string|nil, mode: number|string|{read?=boolean,write?=boolean,execute?=boolean})

Changes the permissions (mode) of the file at a path.


  1. path: The path to modify
  2. user: The user to modify, or nil to modify world permissions
  3. mode: The new permissions, as either an octal bitmask, a string in the format “[+-=][rwx]+” or “[r-][w-][x-]”, or a table with the permissions to set (any nil arguments are left unset).

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

chown(path: string, user: string)

Changes the owner of a file or directory.


  1. path: The path to modify
  2. user: The new owner of the file

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

chroot(path: string)

Changes the root directory of the current and future child processes. This function requires root.


  1. path: The new root path to change to

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

mount(type: string, src: string, dest: string, options: table?)

Mounts a filesystem of the specified type to a directory.


  1. type: The type of filesystem to mount
  2. src: The source of the mount (depends on the FS type)
  3. dest: The destination directory to mount to
  4. options: A table of options to pass to the filesystem (optional)

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

unmount(path: string)

Unmounts a mounted filesystem.


  1. path: The filesystem to unmount

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

mountlist(): [{path:string,type:string,source:string,options:table}]

Returns a list of mounts currently available.


This function does not take any arguments.

Return Values

A list of mounts and their properties.

fsevent(path: string, enabled: boolean?)

Registers the process to receive filesystem events for a path. Note that this is not recursive.


  1. path: The path to register for
  2. enabled: Whether to enable events (defaults to true) (optional)

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

combine(...: string): string

Combines the specified path components into a single path, canonicalizing any links and ./.. paths.


  1. ...: The path components to combine

Return Values

The combined and canonicalized path

absolute(path: string): string

Gets the absolute path from a path string.


  1. path: The path to convert

Return Values

An absolute path pointing to the file

copy(from: string, to: string, preserve: boolean?)

Copies a file or directory.


  1. from: The path to copy from
  2. to: The path to copy to
  3. preserve: Whether to preserve permissions when copying (optional)

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

move(from: string, to: string)

Moves a file or directory, allowing cross-filesystem operations.


  1. from: The path to move from
  2. to: The path to move to

Return Values

This function does not return anything.

basename(path: string): string

Returns the file name for a path.


  1. path: The path to use

Return Values

The file name of the path

dirname(path: string): string

Returns the parent directory for a path.


  1. path: The path to use

Return Values

The parent directory of the path

find(wildcard: string): table

Searches the filesystem for paths matching a glob-style wildcard.


  1. wildcard: The pathspec to match

Return Values

A list of matching file paths

exists(path: string): boolean

Convenience function for determining whether a file exists. This simply checks that @{stat} does not return nil.


  1. path: The path to check

Return Values

Whether the path exists

isFile(path: string): boolean

Returns whether the path exists and is a file.


  1. path: The path to check

Return Values

Whether the path is a file

isDir(path: string): boolean

Returns whether the path exists and is a directory.


  1. path: The path to check

Return Values

Whether the path is a directory

isLink(path: string): boolean

Returns whether the path exists and is a link.


  1. path: The path to check

Return Values

Whether the path is a link

effectivePermissions(file: string|FileStat, user: string?): {read:boolean,write:boolean,execute:boolean}|nil

Returns the effective permissions on a file or stat entry for the selected user.


  1. file: The file path or stat to check
  2. user: The user to check for (defaults to the current user) (optional)

Return Values

The permissions for the user, or nil if the file doesn’t exist

Class FileStat

A table which stores file statistics.


Stores the type of file: one of “file”, “directory”, “link”, “special”


This function does not take any arguments.


The size of the file


This function does not take any arguments.


The creation date of the file, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970


This function does not take any arguments.


The modification date of the file, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970


This function does not take any arguments.


The owner of the file


This function does not take any arguments.


The permissions of the file for each user, indexed by user name


  • read: Whether the file can be read
  • write: Whether the file can be written to
  • execute: Whether the file can be executed


The permissions of the file for all users not in @{FileStat.permissions}


  • read: Whether the file can be read
  • write: Whether the file can be written to
  • execute: Whether the file can be executed


Any additional data from the filesystem